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Leap Motion support for easy keyboard input

Hand tracking is likely to become integrated into HMD's and accompanying (external) sensors sooner or later, so why not experiment with it from an early stage as a method to increase productivity using VD?

riftopia , 26.05.2016, 02:23
Idea status: under consideration


JD, 26.05.2016, 04:41
Even being able to toggle the Leap as a passthrough camera would be very helpful for Rift users.
Jtechy, 23.01.2021, 14:28
I do want Leap Motion too! A Lot. Second on the list: support for Shadow PC (and soon Microsoft cloud pc) for remote VR! Use your “enough” pc to connect/RV in an ever better cloud pc. Yes please ...nice that we have it for mobile. I’d love it for tethered headsets though too
VRGuy, 23.09.2021, 13:43
Adding in ultraleap support shouldnt be too bad and their latest beta drivers have pretty fantastic tracking ability.


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