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Vive remote as laser pointer mouse

Use Vive controllers as laser pointer style mouse and for keyboard free use of functions like centering tracking or skipping video

Anthony Hartfield , 26.05.2016, 02:50
Idea status: completed


Karl, 26.05.2016, 03:38
I though this function was already implemented when I bought it. I like Virtual Desktop and wanted to support its developer, but for me this was more or less a requirement for a desktop app, hence why I haven't used it much at all since I bought it.
guygodin, 26.05.2016, 08:40
Started work on this. It will be a better approach than just laser pointers because to me it is a poor experience.
Mark, 26.05.2016, 08:59
More options = better

If you already have something let us try it.
g, 29.05.2016, 10:51
How about an option to make cursor controlled by the camera like in the Oculus Home app.
stefan, 29.05.2016, 11:53

A virtual desktop for vive. You can see the controllers, but they just .. are there!?

Step 1. Juust laserpointers, then you can implement "grabbing" or whatever you have plans for ;)

Well, I'm sorry, but this is not what I've expected of my $15. I'm refunding my purchase.
Dity, 28.06.2016, 11:06
I saw you put an update to use the Vive trackpad to control the mouse v1.4... is this your preferred implementation? Are you going any further with support for Vive controllers?
Nivek TT, 13.07.2016, 03:26
Yes please, we need motion controller support. Trackpad ok but laser pointer better IMO.
guygodin, 19.07.2016, 21:18
The trackpad support in 1.0.4 was just a temporary implementation. True support will be coming this fall.

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