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More robust resolution options, especially for folks with lower-end GPUs.

The VD performance dashboard shows that everything is running smooth except my framerate!

I'm rocking a Radeon RX580, which gets pretty stuttery even on the "low" resolution setting. SteamVR allows more robust resolution options, can get things buttery smooth by lowering the resolution just a bit. Additionally, Oculus Link runs smooth as well, as it runs games at a lower resolution as well.

Paul , 25.02.2021, 06:52
Idea status: under consideration


Paul Tanner, 16.03.2021, 17:14
Or maybe just ad an additional "extra low" option for people with lower-end GPUs?
zaeluB, 03.04.2021, 08:46
Or simply a resolution slider or numerical options. I have a lower end (for today) gtx1070 and I want higher resolution. So maybe both ends could be improved?

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