51 votes Vote

Ability to up mic quality to ALVR/LINK levels

Vard , 04.07.2021, 21:44
Idea status: under consideration


cleo, 05.07.2021, 23:42
Want this feature so bad. Here's a comparison between ALVR/VD: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/588170313817391109/854484313059229726/quest2mictest_alvr_vs_vd_mixdown.wav
WildCat, 14.09.2022, 07:40
Yeah, the Quest 2 has a pretty decent microphone but VD undermines it quite badly. I wish VD had equivalent recording quality to Quest Air Link. VD's recordings seem to max out at 8 kHz. Please increase this to at least 12 kHz.

Here is my comparison recording:


And here's an image showing the spectral frequency display for that recording:


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