Virtual Desktop

Welcome to the Virtual Desktop feedback portal. The VR community has been very helpful along the development process with ideas and suggestions that helped make it one of the most popular VR application available today. I will continue to improve and add features to Virtual Desktop but I need your help. Tell me what features you'd like to see in future updates!
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1 vote Vote

Support for Interlaced Video: Specifically Checkerboard and/or Polarized 3D

Please, will you add support for checkerboard and/or polarized 3D I feel like this would not be too different from side by side 3D (already...
Jeremy B, 06.07.2019, 10:42
1 vote Vote

bring back MSAA

msaa back
Cigoiner, 28.02.2020, 23:15
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VR Keyboard / Hand tracking aligned to physical keyboard

This might sound crazy (or maybe not) but you could implement a keyboard in VD once you get hand tracking working so that the user can have spatial hints of where our fingers are in relation to our real physical keyboard. Meaning you could learn...
Cameron Rule, 07.03.2020, 15:55
1 vote Vote


Please add an offline feature for people people who aren't always connected to the internet so they can always use Virtual Desktop regarding what the situation is. I live at a farm that is from a distant location to a descent ISP provider. So...
Frits012, 13.03.2020, 03:46
1 comment
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Checkbox to disable grab trigger to move the Virtual Screen

Sometimes you teake some time to get your perfect screen position, but you missclick Grab trigger and misplace the screen. It would be useful to disable Grab trigger to moove the screen (but not stoping both Grab trigger to zoom as it cmes handy,...
Alberto, 20.03.2020, 18:13
1 comment
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Quest Hand Tracking Pass-through

I was playing around with ALVR on the Quest and I found the hand tracking concept to be pretty neat, I think it'd be a cool feature to be able to pass hand tracking through to the connected PC to be able to use it in VR applications that supports it.
Hayden, 29.05.2020, 03:45
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bitrate adjuster

It would be cool to add a bit rate adjuster so that you can set to your own bit rate instead of automatically doing it by itself. Sometimes when I try to reconnect the bit rate goes higher than I want it to so it would be a very helpful feature...
Ashton, 28.05.2020, 00:32
1 vote Vote

Is it possible to port the hand tracking input to something akin to index knuckles controller for steam VR?

Not sure if it's a simple binding or what but I think it could be an easy thing to add to options if that is a possibility and would increase immersion when using hand tracking! Thanks for all your hard work and I look forward to seeing...
Connor, 05.07.2020, 06:58
1 vote Vote

Publish APK

Please publish the APK somewhere.. I don't really want to use SideQuest as this is the only app I still sideload :) And it's much easier to install by ADB myself.
GP, 19.08.2020, 16:01
1 vote Vote

Support Frame Interpolation

Support frame interpolation either by supporting a third party app (SVP) or by just adding support natively. I already know the horsepower is there because I can already upscale from 60 to 120 with SVP with Virtual desktop running using SVPs...
Jacob Pederson, 07.09.2020, 09:30
1 vote Vote

A Keyboard that takes advantage of hand tracking

Elijah Quintana, 01.10.2020, 08:23
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fix window to head movement (possibly with passthrough)

Basically looking to be able to move around in a space with a screen always in front of me and still being able to see the outside world. So something that lets me have the screen fixed to wherever I look (relative to wherever I've placed it),...
Paul Robinson, 14.10.2020, 01:11
1 vote Vote

simulate button presses in hand tracking with hand shapes or gestures

It would be absolutely incredible to have simulated controller button inputs while using hand-tracking based on hand shape (rock, scissors, devil horns, thumbs up, etc.) or gestures (thumbs up + thumb orientation with respect to vertical to...
Casey Rhyne, 14.10.2020, 13:07
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custom environments for quest, change your place in environment, dim the lights

I'm a quest user and I really like the quality and low latency in Virtual Desktop, I also like BigScreen's environments and custom lights and changing place but it has a very low quality and high latency so here's my future feature request: 1-the...
Folan, 03.11.2020, 10:51
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Add recently used games that use VR to Games menu

Right now the Games window shows Oculus and SteamVR games, which is good. But games purchased from Epic Games Store, Origin, or other places will not show up here. In Oculus's Rift library on PC, any executable that uses VR will show up in the...
Russell Weed, 17.11.2020, 20:59
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Screen Recording

Screen recording would be really good saving encoding stream directly to the disk i tried obs and other solutions but performance suffers if im trying to record my gameplays using virtual desktop
Remit, 01.12.2020, 06:13
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Physical keyboard shortcut to swap shown display, or some other solution for multiple displays shown in virtual desktop.

Since the current version of VD only shows one display at a time, allow for a mappable physical keyboard shortcut to cycle/select the shown display, similar to pressing the Y button on OQ2. I use 3 monitors regularly, and while ultimately it...
zerodisorder, 11.12.2020, 13:55
1 vote Vote

10bit or 12bit color depth

You know this request from Discord probably. Anyway, I leave this one here. Lets get rid of color banding! :D
Sacco Belmonte, 29.12.2020, 06:17
1 comment
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Android streamer app

I'd love to see android streamer app so we could mirror smartphone in VR. Perhaps even as an additional screen besides the current PC connection.
Przemo-c, 10.03.2021, 01:31
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Collapse Oculus games or Steam games

Allow users to collapse the Oculus and Steam games lists, and have it remember each time. I primarily use steam games, but I also have a lot of Oculus titles I don't use, and it can be very slightly inconvenient to scroll through everything to get...
TheLittleDoctor, 09.04.2021, 08:44
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Make SSW run at 1/3 or 1/4 rates, if performance drops lower than 1/2 framerate.

Lots of folks like to play Microsoft Flight Simulator at ridiculously low framerates, like 18fps, and then fill in gaps with interpolation. This allows the user to pump graphic settings WAAAAY up, and works great for slow-pace games like Flight...
SubCog, 02.11.2021, 21:54
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Software IPD Adjustment

About 10 percent of the population falls out of the Quest 2's IPD range of 56-70mm. IPD can make a large difference in the immersion as it can make or break the world scale. SteamVR includes an IPD offset but is buried away in a config file...
AHM, 16.02.2022, 18:16
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Keyboard shortcut to in/decrease screen curve

That shouldn't be too difficult to implement, right? :) I would heavily use this feature for a VirtualDesktop setup I built. Steps can be either 5 or 10 percent per press, you decide. That is all. Cheers and thanks :)
MarcusInVR, 06.04.2022, 02:30
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Center the Home Cinema

When you go into the Home Cinema for Quest 2 your on the right view side of the screen so you view it on an angle. In the center are drinks blocking a potential seat to be there. Let us have the option to move to the middle so the screen is the...
SaintZeroZ, 06.04.2022, 05:54
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I like to use VD for lightgun games and I was wondering if it would be possible to add an option to change the controller to a gun and remove the pointer dot? I play lightgun games through emulators that use mouse input for the lightgun so everything

Devin Purvis, 01.05.2022, 09:50
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Cursor movement smoothing on desktop view

Clicking things just doesnt work well. Large things like desktop icons gets dragged instead of clicked, and small things are near impossible to click. Applies to both touch mode and the other mode. Would be a major improvement if mouse movements...
ordire, 20.05.2022, 06:59
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Add a sharpness slider (similar to the one in the game streaming section) but in the desktop streaming section.
MadjinnSayan, 03.06.2022, 12:17
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Option to log performance overlay data

A chceckbox to log performance overlay data to a .csv or .log file would be really helpful for debugging. Ideally, without the overlay enabled so VD can be used as normal but data analysed later. Being able to set log interval and/or log...
Tim, 27.11.2022, 12:16
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Improve video playback

Video playback in VD easily loses sync on Quest 2 (it's not obvious that it happens more or less when streaming of playing back after downloading locally to the headset). Fixing sync usually requires pausing and seeking enough to get outside of...
cbenyar, 19.12.2022, 17:06
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A Non-vr VD client app. I want to access pancake games

I'd like to connect to my host pc leveraging the VD streamer from pcs/mobile. The infrastructure is there after all I would happily pay for the new clients. Nvidia is also officially closing its gamestream service and SteamLink atm kinda suck....
Akatriel, 14.02.2023, 04:11

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